Math Program

Our Purpose:

Grade 2-5: To build basic math skills and ability from very young age, to ignite their math potential, classes would make them interested in math, and practice logic thinking, and confidence in school, as well as independent life style/

Grade 5-8:  Classes provide middle school students solid foundation to be ready for advanced math courses/assignments, help students to gain advantage in regular school math study, also can prepare them academically success overall in their regular school.

Grade 9-12: To build a solid foundation for high school students to:

  • Handle math-related courses well in high school,
  • Waive some basic math course requirements in order to take more AP courses, and
  • Be well positioned for top colleges with great GPA and SAT scores, and/or math competition awards. 

Classes: Classes can be online Zoom or at classroom, we suggest 4-8 students a class, this way teacher can focus on each student’s attention, grouped by math level,

Olympic Math Competition: This class builds the logic and fun thinking of mathematics, students in class are doing competition, make friend, and learn the secret of math thinking. There are two levels: 4-6 and 7-8; minimum 3 students to start.